Sunday, January 22, 2012

Death Becomes Her

Well, folks, my laptop has finally given up the ghost. At nearly ten years old it decided to stop accessing my Word Files and the internet on exactly the same day that my husband's power cord to his laptop fell apart. We weren't able to resolve either issue until yesterday.

At the moment, my prized posts from last week are being pried free of my old laptop and onto an external hard drive compliments of the Geek Squad team at Best Buy. My husband has replaced his power cord and we now share his computer.

What does this mean for everyone? It means that posts will be rather sporadic for the next couple of weeks as I search for a new user-friendly laptop. Thanks for your patience, I have some excellent books that I can't wait to feature here on the blog and at least this interruption allows more time for reading these books more thoroughly.

In the meantime, please enjoy the sprinkling of posts over the next couple of weeks and thanks always for reading...


Shawnte said...

Good luck getting back on your blogging feet.

seymourblogger said...

I know how you feel as my desktop went. My young geeky bf is saving my stuff for me. But I miss the well known places on my desktop. The stuff is not in the same places anymore. I am still working on that part of the problem.

If you get your blog on disqus, it saves all theh problems of registration and you get a dashboard to mange comments and moderate them. I tell everyone who is still using this annoying method.