Friday, August 29, 2008

Poetry Tips: School Daze and a Link to a Cautionary Tale

Whether you are a student (young or old) or no longer one, you know that school is back in full swing for children and adults all over the world. Why not write a poem about the rotten school lunches, the broken crayons that scratch on the poster-board in irritating fashion for your school projects? How about a tribute to trigonometry tests, teachers that made you laugh or teachers that changed your life? What about your science lab partner who dissected the frog and said “This is WAY cool!” while you cringed in the corner? Yes, plenty of fond, or not so fond, memories of school should bring some poetic fruition don’t you think? Have fun and good luck!

Also, I stumbled onto this via another blog and think it is a great cautionary tale for all poets out there looking for publication. Stacy Lynn Brown was accepted for publication, then her contract was revoked. Both sides of the issue are presented at Stacy’s blog:

Thanks for dropping in, please stop by Sunday with answers from this week’s puzzle and another new Sunday Search…


Dave King said...

Some really useful suggestions there - and the link could be useful.

Poet Hound said...

Thanks Mr. King!

Poet Hound said...

Thanks Mr. King!