Friday, October 28, 2011

Read A Good Book: Something That’s True by Hosho McCreesh

Hosho McCreesh has been featured many times on Poet Hound for his poetry but he also writes short stories all of which can be found at His latest short story, Something That’s True, intertwines the lives of a stripper, an auto mechanic and the mechanic’s waitress girlfriend who happens to be cheating on him. Although the auto mechanic is sitting at a strip club he is the one who behaves himself and the story showcases the fascinating personalities of the moral and the immoral.

The small moments between characters are captured vividly, the way Brooklyn at the strip club tries to encourage Gil, the mechanic, to spring for a dance as he sips his beer to the moment Gil’s loneliness compels him to encourage Brooklyn to stay by offering her a drink. The unlikely pair begin a conversation about life in the club before she goes onstage and works the crowd. Gil’s mixed feelings as he watches her lead us to realize he’s a moralistic man, especially when he beckons her to return to continue talking. When we meet Cathy, the waitress dating Gil, we learn about her sarcasm and wit, her morals versus Gil’s. Cathy mouths off to her boss while working her shift, her friend and fellow waitress eating up every moment of it. When the Sherriff’s SUV pulls up we get to meet the man Cathy’s seeing on the side, we also get to see what happens when Gil arrives. I can’t give you the ending, you’ll have to read it for yourself as this whirlwind of love gone awry continues. You will be entertained to the last, your heart lurching with Gil’s every move.

Something That’s True by Hosho McCreesh can be downloaded for a mere .99 at the following link:

I also urge you to download his two-shot books for FREE at
*The Taco Fairy/Vidal Sassoon stories have lines that stick in your mind, my husband and I quote them just about daily so I’d say definitely read these stories, too.

Thanks always for reading, please drop in again next week…