Monday, July 13, 2009


It is that time of year again where my dance troupe prepares for its Annual BIG SHOW at the end of July so I will be paring down posts to Tuesday through Thursday to allow myself more time for mending costumes and practicing technique. Things will go back to normal on the first full week of August.
I didn’t have time to do a review for Tuesday--preparing for the show, cleaning the house after entertaining relatives over the 4th of July weekend, and trying to remove and move around furniture took up my available time for this week.
Please stop in on Wednesday, wish me luck on the performance and apologies for any inconveniences….


  1. hmm...i guess the old fashioned show business way of wishing luck by saying "break a leg" wouldn't be a good idea in this case. it being a dance troop and all. so i'll just stick to "good luck!"

  2. Thanks! The good luck is much appreciated.
