Monday, February 2, 2009

On a Personal Note

I haven’t found time to ready the posts for this week because my husband and I are about to draw up a contract for a house and we are first-time home buyers. As a result we have discovered that we really can’t afford a house in this economy since we have now faced the reality that he is in danger of being laid off or the business he works for may close since work has been so slow. His paychecks have become increasingly unsteady and we have decided he needs a second job or a new full time position. This has all been discovered in the past 48 hours and I have not had the willpower to set up posts for this week.

I will be working on posts for next week but thought that I’d fill you in on a slice of my life that may eventually affect this little blog. I’d like to think we will be able to make enough money to allow for continued internet access but that will be one of the first things we trim from our budget if we don’t find second jobs soon enough. For all of you in the same boat I wish you luck and good fortune in the near future.

Please stop by next week and thanks always for reading…


  1. Haang in there. I'm sure all readers of Poet Hound are thinking of you and appreciate the heads up.

  2. Thanks for the well-wishes. We're trying to see what we can sacrifice and see if it's cheaper to pay a mortgage or continue paying rent on an apartment. In the meantime, still reading poetry and looking for inspiration in words.

  3. take care of yourself, dear. we will all be here eagerly awaiting your arrival when you are able. do hang in there. and keep your head up. things will get better for all of us soon.


  4. Good luck,Poet Hound.When times get really rough,there's always dial up
    since you'll still need your email.
    Again,hope things turn out well for you and your family.

  5. I had forgotten about dial-up, maybe that will be next before we cut out internet altogether.
    Thanks again to everyone for wishing us good luck, we certainly need it! Good luck to all of you in these tough times.

  6. My husband's been laid off twice in the last couple of years, and though it was rough, especially that last one that lasted for 3 months while I was student-teaching, he is now in a job where he is making so much more money. I hope your situation turns out like that.

  7. P:

    Hope all goes well - this economy is having such a huge rippling effect everywhere.

    Eventually, when things settle down, I do hope you are able to get your own place.


  8. Thanks Don and Talia,
    We're hoping my husband can find at least a second job and hopefully things will smooth out soon. It's good to know that others have been through this (like your husband, Talia) and come out even better than before.
