Monday, June 2, 2008

Poet Hounds' Top Five

My favorite Poetry Sites are narrowed down to a Top Five:
The Poetry Foundation just has so many positives because there are articles, there is the magazine, the contest announcements, best-seller lists, audio, visual, you name it, they’ve got it. Simply wonderful!
I love this site because it always has information on poets. I can almost always find out more about a poet’s background here than the Poetry Foundation. I also thoroughly enjoyed signing up for Poem-A-Day, even if I didn’t always take the time to read it every day. Again, can’t say enough about how appreciative I am at being able to find out more about individual poets and being able to pass that information on to you.

Poetry Daily
As you may have noticed, most of the Poems Found by Poet Hound features poems from this site. It is a great place to find poems of all subjects, plus I feel like they keep it simple. Just the poem, the book/journal and the blurb about the poet. No fancy blinking distractions which I always appreciate. Just poems for reading’s sake. Thank you Poetry Daily!

Read Write Poem
It took me a long time to stumble onto these guys and boy do I wish I had done so sooner. Writing prompts, discussions, polls, they are everything I wish my little blog could be. They are always keeping things fresh and fun, which can be hard to do every day.

Guerilla Poetics Project
The idea behind this site is just phenomenal. Many people complain about the demise of poetry, the elitist views of poetry publishers, how particular poems never get accepted… The Guerilla Poetics Project strives to get poems of various subjects from various small-press poets into the hands of the unsuspecting public for free. Each broadside that is slipped into a book is beautiful and they all have a code number that you can register on their site on the back of the poem. That’s how I stumbled onto them and I hope you stumble onto their broadsides, too.

These are, by no means, the ONLY poetry sites I consider great but I figure these top five will always bring you some kind of inspiration or vital information in your poetic endeavors. All of these sites’ links are available on the side bar of this page. Please feel free to add your own favorite sites in the comments section for other readers to find.

Thanks for reading, please stop in tomorrow for another featured poet…


  1. Great little list, thanks! It would be nice however if you linked to the actual sites. Just a thought.

  2. Thanks Tara, unfortunately I'm just proclaiming old fashioned laziness for this post. Forgive me!
