Thursday, May 15, 2008

Conjunctions Open Submissions

While I wasn’t able to find too many requirements, you can always find out more at their web-site by using the link below. I directly copied what they had under submissions below:

“Submissions should be directed to the editorial office at 21 East 10th St., New York, NY 10003. Unsolicited manuscripts cannot be returned unless accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Electronic and simultaneous submissions will not be considered.”

My recommendation is to send 3 to 5 poems, that is typical of most any journal. Good luck to you all who submit, may the muse be with you.

P.S. If you happen to know of a journal or are the editor of a journal/poetry site and you would like your Open Submissions call featured here, please send me an e-mail and I’ll be happy to oblige the following Thursday. Several editors have asked me to do so in the past and I always appreciate it on behalf of my readers. Thanks!

Thanks for checking in, please return tomorrow for another Poetry Tip…


  1. According to my little, but now eight year old experience, most magazines which don't accept email submissions are those that reject more easily...I have been accepted by some good print magazines ( Quattrocento for example ) which accept email submissions.
    With snail mail subms it's not a money ( stamps) problem as some journals think... the problem is the fumpling with the envelope, the printing of the poems ( printers break easily ) and so on. To be then rejected.
    I would start a campaign then to make poets disregard magazines which forbid email submissions especially when those who submit live abroad and are sure their letter may take ages to arrive.

  2. Well said! Unfortunately there are many highly regarded magazines that accept only via snail mail, and I hope they eventually switch to e-mail because that will expand everyone's world of poetry so much wider.
