Friday, December 21, 2007

Poetry Tips

Today is more about an idea than a tip. If you have been a regular reader you may have stumbled across some poetry broadsides, decorated cards of poetry. Why not create broadsides of your own poems to send as gifts? All you need is cardstock, and imagination. If you are really crafty and have a paper slicer, you can cut the poems to the appropriate size for 5X7 or 8X10 frames. You can use simple geometric designs or draw a simple scene involving your poem. Since people often like poems about themselves, this would be an excellent way to show your love and appreciation of them, a framed broadside produced by you, the creative genius. I know this tip comes a little late for Christmas gift giving but you can always give them out as birthday presents of as random acts of love and kindness.

May the creative muse be with you this holiday season…