Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Linked Poems and Demise of Poems

Here are some poems I would like to share with you:
Kevin Young’s Poem: From “Book of Hours”
Prose by Mike Cunningham: Flowering Dogwood

I will feature a couple of poems I enjoy each week and link you to them. Enjoy the writing and as always, support living poets by seeking out their books and purchasing them, and of course, always write to poets whose work you enjoy and let them know.

Aha! It was bound to happen sooner or later, an agent for a poet told me to delete a poem I had not asked permission to post. So I deleted it. However, I believe poetry should be free and shared. I didn’t plagiarize this poet or claim their work was mine or anything of the sort. My motive was to bring this poet’s work to the attention of other poetry readers. Of course, this poet is also a well known writer with many books under her belt and probably doesn’t need any help selling extra copies. For the other poets out there, I’d like to think they would be happy their work was featured and displayed for others to happily stumble upon. As a result, I have deleted several more posts that I think could lead to more agents requesting I take them down. I have also altered, deleted, or replaced poems with poetry links just in case. I will delete any and all work that an agent or poet asks me to, however, I still believe poetry was meant to be shared… This is why I am part of the Guerrilla Poetics Project.

Thanks for dropping in, see you tomorrow for another Open Submissions…


  1. I think most poets would probably grant you permission if you asked.

  2. I agree with you. However, I don't always have the time to find out how to reach a poet. I've tried for several, and will continue. I think I'll keep going with providing an excerpt of a poem or linking it to another site that features the poet for now, though.
