Thursday, February 16, 2012

Chicken Pinata Open Submissions

I have copy-and-pasted the guidelines below and have provided a link so you can explore their journal:
Chickenpinata wants your poetry!

Please send a submission of up to four unpublished poems as a single .rtf or .doc file to The subject line for your e-mail should be
"submission--your name." Please put at least your name and e-mail on each page that you

Simultaneous submissions are fine, but please let us know immediately if your work is taken
elsewhere! Please also do not submit another batch of poems until you have heard a
response from us.

Please also include a .jpg of you, if you have one, and a third-person bio of up to 100
words in the body of your e-mail. You can include previous publication credits, if you have
any, but we'd be just as happy if you told us something interesting about your life or your
philosophy of writing.

We do prefer that your bio wasn't overly self-aggrandizing or dull, but we don't mind if you
demonstrate a bit of your personality. And if you have a website you'd like us to link to,
we're happy to do it.
Generally, we appreciate shorter pieces, but if you wow us with a longer poem (say, up to
two pages), we won't turn you away. We like to read accessible poetry that's fresh, new,
and fun.
Of course we love lush language and metaphor, but please, skip heavy allusions and other
overly "poetical" styling. That stuff makes our head hurt. Individual rights return to the
poet upon publication, but we ask that you allow us to keep your poem in perpetuity in
our archived issues.
We also ask that you credit Chickenpinata, a journal of poetry, when you republish your
poem in your first (or next!) book.
For all issues, please expect a response within 4 months. For regular correspondence,
we'll try to answer daily-ish, but definitely within a week. If for some crazy reason, you
haven't heard from us in 4 months about your submission, please feel free to send us a
query. Sometimes e-mails get buried and sticky-notes go awry. We don't want you to wait
indefinitely wondering if we even received your work. We've had that happen to us, and
it's both disheartening and aggravating.

And, as always, thank you for your interest.


To learn more go to:

Good luck to all who submit, please drop in again next week…

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