Friday, March 20, 2009

Poetry Tips: Park Benches

This week I couldn’t help but notice the weather has been warmer and the people sitting on benches waiting for the bus or in the parks have come alive compared to being huddled in jackets. This week I want you to try writing poems dedicated to benches and the people using them. I’ve also provided a link to a poem about Central Park for inspiration on the subject. Good luck to all of you who try it!
“Retired Ballerinas, Central Park West” by Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Thanks for stopping in, please stop by on Monday for another featured site…


  1. and then print the poem out and tie copies to benches for people to pick up?

  2. If you feel like it, or use it as fodder for your next chapbook. I think it would be fun to read poems at a bus stop left there by someone I didn't know.
