Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Edna St. Vincent Millay

Edna St. Vincent Millay was not only well known for her poems, but also for her beauty as a fiery red-head. Millay was born February 22nd 1892 and passed away in 1950. During her lifetime she first entered the poetic scene by entering her poem “Renascence” as a teenager and won 4th place. From then on she continued writing poetry and got involved in theater, and led an unconventional lifestyle forming intimate relationships with women. She is also the first woman to receive a Pulitzer prize for poetry. I provided a link below for you to find out more information, and this is what the above information is based from. I am reading Collected Poems Edna St. Vincent Millay and want to let those of you unfamiliar with her work that she is very capable of rhyme and rhythm. When most people think of poetry who are not poets themselves they often think the majority of poems are rhyming ones. Edna St. Vincent Millay is one of the poets that comes to mind for those who enjoy rhyme. I especially enjoy her poem “Tavern.”
She has a stanza I really enjoy:
“There shall be plates a-plenty,/And mugs to melt the chill/Of all the grey-eyed people/Who happen up the hill.”
Edna dreams of keeping a popular tavern that is comfortable and enjoyed by all who happen upon it, and I think most people dream of keeping a place, tavern or not, like that.
Like most people, I have favorite poems, and “The Bean-Stalk” is one of them because it is very imaginative and I can picture the climb in my mind. I urge you to check her out on-line at the link below and certainly your local library will have some of her work.


Thanks for reading, please stop by tomorrow for more linked poems around the world wide web…


  1. Her biography "Savaged Beauty." It is my favorite biogrphy of all time. I think it's easier to enjoy poetry when you know the context of the poet's life.

  2. I absolutely agree, and now I'll write it down so I can hopefully find and read it, too. Thanks Talia!
